Monday, February 1, 2010


S is for summer!
I wake up at 10:30, walk lazily downstairs and make myself breakfast. Then, I have some orange juice, and head out for a bike ride. When I get back, at 1:30, I have a nice cool shower and head out to my friend’s house for a sleepover. We go swimming, watch a movie, and then have some dinner and go to bed. When we wake up, we head out to the beach to play some beach volleyball and relax in the sun. On the way back, we grab some ice cream. I get two scoops of my favourite, strawberry banana. This is heaven. This is summer.
What do you think when you think of summer? Well I think: Free. Nothing I have to do, nothing that is due the next day. This is what summer is like.
In the summer, all kinds of opportunities are just lying around, waiting to be used. You can go to camp when you want to meet new people and have a blast, have a sleepover marathon when you want some company, or go for a swim whenever it gets too hot. You can go and lie in the sun if you’re having a lazy day. You can go for a bike ride when you’re bored, have a nap when you’re tired. There are no boring lectures, no adults telling you to tuck in your shirt, or to sit up straighter.
My favourite part about summer is having so much free time to do whatever I feel like. During the school year, there is never a second I have to myself. I feel like I’m constantly at school, or doing homework. But in the summer, I have all day to do whatever I want, whether it’s a lazy day or an athletic day. It’s up to me to decide what to do with my time.
Sure, free time is great, but sometimes when I have so much free time, I almost want to have something to do. Like if it's the middle of summer, and I'm sitting around bored, sometimes I'll pick up a book, try out a math problem, write a poem or do a Sudoku puzzle. It almost seems like when I'm in school, I want it to be summer, and to have tons of free time. And when it is summer, and I'm bored, I want to have something to do, like I do when I'm in school. I guess what they say is right! People are never happy with what they have.
Life Lesson: Don’t waste one second of summer. Enjoy it to its fullest. Be happy with what you have, not what you want.
I commented on Lyndsey's blog this week!